I should listen to you? You don't have a leg to stand on

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The religion of Rome is not Christianity

Constantine did not convert to Christianity, he converted Christianity and defeated it.  He took the Jewish Messiah and made him into a Roman emperor god.  Constantine associated himself with the Flavian Dynasty who destroyed the Jewish Temple and used the treasures from there to pay for the Colosseum in Rome.  Constantine Built his Arch across from the Colosseum and the Arch of Titus.  He even took on the Name Flavius.

Constantine fused the worship Of Mithras and Apollo the sun gods (osiris was the Egyptian version which Rome conquered) with Jesus and recreated Christianity.  Jesus was refashioned as a blood sacrifice to save the people into divine Resurrection just as Mithras to bring in the Roman Soldier elite.

The cross was already used by the Jews and Gentile who believed that Jesus was the messiah, the suffering and dying Messiah son of Joseph not son of David.  Jesus went to the tribe of Gad living in Spain and was not able to bring them back to Israel which was one of the things the victorious Messiah was supposed to do.  The new testament has some encoded messages to tell us the truth that the Catholic Church was hiding.  Symbols abound, Shepard bringing in the sheep Jesus as Fisher of men and fish as the Christian symbol.   Sheep are Gadi in Hebrew and Fish is Dag (Gad backwards) The voyage of Jesus was like the one of Noah to southern Spain (the ends of the Earth) .

The Roman Centurion who converted hints at the truth that many Soldiers were Christians before Constantine changed the religion who considered Jesus to be another God. (evidence by archaeological digs)    These soldiers ate with Jews who regarded Jesus as Messiah.

Constantine made up the vision of the cross in the sky and a dream about Jesus to bring in Christians who would never go for a Pagan god.
The Imperial cult worshiped Apollo the sun god representing the light of creation and the Emperor was the representative of Apollo.  Mithras was the sun god based on Osiris the Egyptian sun god who dies and was resurrected over and over (as the sun does) who killed a bull and from the blood saved the world.  The Roman soldier elite worshiped Mithras because they wanted to be resurrected since they were always dying.  The ritual was to take from the blood and body of the sacrifice and be saved.

Jesus has a halo around his head in early Christian iconography and paintings just as the Sun god is depicted with rays from his head.

 Constantinople in Turkey was his city, not named after Jesus but after himself.  He creates a statue of Apollo with his own face with some relics of the 'True" cross.

Worshipers in Southern Spain where the oral tradition and the gospel say was visited by Jesus and paul do not consider Jesus to be god, just a man

Enough Anti-Semitic gospel lies

The Movie Son of God and the mini-series that came before it, perpetuate the usual Anti-Jewish myths.   The Jewish elite wanted Jesus dead, because he threatened their power, he blasphemed etc.  Then the myth that the Sanhedrin prosecuted him in the night on Passover.  Then that the Jewish crowd called for his execution.

  1. Rome was in power.  If Jesus threatened anyone's power it was Rome.
  2. Even if some Jewish elites power was threatened, they wouldn't stoop to having him executed.
  3. Blasphemy requires witnesses and is seldom if ever recorded as meriting the death Penalty.
  4. Crucifixion is not one of the sanctioned means of execution and no one was ever or would ever be convicted and sent to the Crucifix.
  5. The 'Sanhedrin' mentioned in the New Testament was not the actual Jewish Court, rather it was made up of Roman appointees. 
  6. The real Sanhedrin would not convene on Passover.    

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Biblical Slavery - not what you think.

In the times of Moses Hebrews did not have slaves.  The root word Evd in Hebrew means work or labor.  OVaiD means working.  EVeD means servant as in Eved Elohim - Servant of god. Or in Arabic ABDullah (v is softened to b)

Hebrews would sellthemselves into indentured servitude if they were poor and the court would sell thieves into servitude to earn money to pay restitution to their victim.

The very first of the civil laws in the Books of Moses (Pentatauch) is to treat the servant as good or better than oneself.  A lesson we learn from this prominence is that Civil Law must begin with justice for the lowest and poorest of us and not influenced in favor of the privileged few.   In fact it is the duty of the privileged to care for the poor as the "privileged" master cares for the servant.