I should listen to you? You don't have a leg to stand on

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Enough Anti-Semitic gospel lies

The Movie Son of God and the mini-series that came before it, perpetuate the usual Anti-Jewish myths.   The Jewish elite wanted Jesus dead, because he threatened their power, he blasphemed etc.  Then the myth that the Sanhedrin prosecuted him in the night on Passover.  Then that the Jewish crowd called for his execution.

  1. Rome was in power.  If Jesus threatened anyone's power it was Rome.
  2. Even if some Jewish elites power was threatened, they wouldn't stoop to having him executed.
  3. Blasphemy requires witnesses and is seldom if ever recorded as meriting the death Penalty.
  4. Crucifixion is not one of the sanctioned means of execution and no one was ever or would ever be convicted and sent to the Crucifix.
  5. The 'Sanhedrin' mentioned in the New Testament was not the actual Jewish Court, rather it was made up of Roman appointees. 
  6. The real Sanhedrin would not convene on Passover.    

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